How To Select An Estate Planning Attorney
Estate planning involves reviewing and analying your desires and finances today to insure that you and your family are prepared for tomorrow. We offer the following tips to provide you with the information needed to select an estate planning attorney who has the experience and traning to do an excellent job for you.
*Interview only attorneys whose practices are dedicated to planning estates.
*Ask if the attorney will help you avoid the additional costs, delays, loss of privacy and other problems of probate.
*Hire only an attorney you like and can trust.
*Determine the law office's procedure for handling client requests for information and performing leg work before you hire.
*Find out if the attorney will return your phone calls quickly.
*Ask if the attorney will quote you a fixed fee for designing and implementing your estate plan.
*Determine whether the attorney can prepare your estate planning documents within a month's time.
*Choose only an estate planning attorney who offers comprehensive estate planning services.
*Be sure you can read and understand your estate planning documents.
*Determine if the attorney remains current with changes to estate planning laws that affect your estate.